Remity Staffing - Review & Feedback Remity Staffing - Review & Feedback Review & Feedback Name Registration number Profession Date of Review* Purpose of the Review - To enable you to discuss, with your manager, your job performance and your future. Do you have an up-to-date job description? YesNo Do you have an up-to-date Training? YesNo Do you understand all the requirements of your job? YesNo Do you have regular opportunities to discuss your work? YesNo What have you accomplished, over and above the minimum requirements of your job description, in the period under review (consider the early part of the period as well as more recent events)? Have you made any innovations? List any difficulties you have in carrying out your work. Are there any obstacles outside your own control which have prevented you from performing effectively? What parts of your job, do you do best? What parts of your job, do you do less well? What parts of your job, do you have difficulty with? What parts of your job, do you fail to enjoy? Have you any skills, aptitudes, or knowledge not fully utilised in your job? If so, what are they and how could they be used? Can you suggest training which would help to improve your performance or development? development? Are you happy at your current work placement? If no, please explain Do you feel you have enough support from Remity Staffing? Are you happy at your current work placement? If no, please explain Are you satisfied with the service you receive from Remity Staffing? Additional remarks, complaints, questions, or suggestions Print Name HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US Date Signature DrawType